How Much Electricity Does an Air Purifier Use? | Learn the details

how much electricity does an air purifier use

how much electricity does an air purifier use? Is there any possibility of increasing the electricity bill for using air purifier? These are the most operable question among most of the new buyers of an air purifier. We appreciate these kinds of questions because it shows you are not only a health-conscious person but frugal person. We know running an air purifier up to 24 hours would provide us the best quality air, but we should often think about our utility expenses.

Before starting our converse, one thing we should ensure you. Most of the time, air purifiers consume less power and less cost than our house’s essential stuff like a refrigerator, air conditioner, hitter, etc. But don’t be so sure about how many amps does an air purifier use. It depends on some variables and brands. Let’s see do air purifiers use a lot of energy or not.

Do You Know How to Calculate Air Purifier’s Electricity Expenses?

Before debating about an air purifier’s cost with other electrical products, we should calculate the electric bill’s cost from an air purifier. It’s not a daunting task to do. Typically, all the electric companies charge us on the amount of kW/hour we use per month. Due to this reason, we’ll first calculate the kW uses of an air purifier.

kW per day

Most of the air purifiers have watts range from 50 – 70 watts. Let’s Consider the air purifier you want to buy consumes 60 watts per hour. If you run the air purifier up to 12 hours a day, it will consume 60 x 12= 720 watts/day.

Now, as I have already told you, electricity companies measure kW. As 1 kW= 1000 watts, we need 720/ 1000= 0.72 kW electricity per day for an air purifier.

kW per Month

If an air purifier consumes 0.72 kW electricity per day, it will consume (0.72 x 30) = 21.6 kW per month.

kW per Year

for calculating the per year cost, we have to multiply 21.6 kW with 12, because 1 year consists of 12 months. So, kW per year (21.6 x 12) = 259.2 kW per year.

Cost Calculating for an Air Purifier

The electricity costs vary in different states in the USA. But on average, the $0.12 per kW/hour or unit. if your air purifier consumes 21.6 kW per month in USA, electric bill will be (21.6 x 0.12) = $2.59 only. Likewise, (2.59 x 12) = $31.104 per year. And if you run the air purifier for 24 hours, the cost will increase to around $63. But most people don’t run the machine for 24 hours.

For different country people, the cost may vary. Some countries don’t allow more than 50 watts for an air purifier like India. Therefore, Air purifier electricity consumption India is somewhat far less than in other countries.

Here we are showing you some power consumption and yearly cost for the best air purifiers.

Name of Air Purifiers Electricity Consumptions        Yearly Cost
Honeywell air purifier  Hpa300: 40 -130 watts Hpa200: 40-100 watts Hpa100: 40-75 watts$14-$45 $14-$35 $14-$26 *Recommendation run time is 8 hours.      
Levoit air purifierLV-H132: 28 watts$10 *Recommendation run time is 8 hours.      
Energy star air purifiersMore than 40 watts$16 *Recommendation run time is 8 hours.  

Comparing Electricity Consumption of An Air Purifiers with other Appliances

Appliances Name  Power Consumption Expenses per Year
   Washing Machine  500 watts$43.25 (2 wash hours/day)
   Vacuum Cleaner  500-2200 watts$6.27-$21.21 (10 minutes per day)
   Refrigerator  100-200 watts$105-$210
   Electric Clock  2-10 watts$2.10-$10.51
   Dishwasher  1200-1500 watts 

Also Read : Air Purifier’s Power Consumption- Common Questions and Answers

Factors That Ascertain Your Air Purifier’s Electricity Usage

As an air purifier consists of many parts, most of them directly influence power consumption. It means if any of the parts consume more than average power, probably your air purifier will also consume more power.  It may cost you more utility and maintenance bills.

Almost all the components of are momentual. So, you can’t find any less power consuming purifier than other purifiers. If you find any, probably the air purifier immolates its performance too. Lets, see what factors cause an air purifier to consume more power.

Coverage Area

You have already known about different air purifier sizes compatible with large, medium, and small space. Indeed, it won’t be very reasonable to think about all the types of air purifiers that consume energy. For large size rooms, an air purifier offers giant fans and HEPA filters. Both the fans and HEPA filter needs more electricity.

Fan Size

The air purifier needs a much bigger fan to cover up a larger space than the fan’s usual size. These enormous fans need much high power to rotate. The larger the area an air purifier tends to cover, the higher the fan speed it needs. For high fan speed, air purifier amps have to be higher. It would help if you had to admit it with less power consumption, there is no way for rotating larger fan at their efficient level.

Watt Rating

The number of watts an air purifier needs determines how much electricity does an air purifier takes. The higher the watts number will be, the more you have to be ready for higher bills as higher watts appliances consume more electricity.

Filter Types

Everyone asks how a filter can cause more electricity bills. Before answering the question, I must say, all the air purifiers don’t have a HEPA filter. It means those filters can’t purify the air up to 90%. And those filters don’t need any high flow of air, which certainly is the requirement for a HEPA filter. A high-speed fan blows the air through the HEPA filter’s tiny pores by high-pressure air, and for generating a high flow of air, a fan needs to rotate faster.

Other Factors

In the modern age, you don’t need to determine an air purifier’s purifying speed manually. It has the functions to do its job automatically. Some air purifiers don’t have many options for manually control of the fan speed. If it runs in a contaminated place, it will run its fan at the highest speed and consume more electricity. Therefore, environmental conditions have a direct effect on consuming more electricity.

Some air purifiers offer many additional features other than air purifying. Like additional light, smart device connectivity, filter maintenance, etc., which certainly increases electricity use.

Finally, if any filter offers UVGI technology for filtering microns and bacteria, it will consume extra electricity than other air purifiers.

Minimizing Electricity Consumption of an Air Purifier

An air purifier with potential energy-saving components is a crying need in this era. Though air purifiers consume less electricity than other home compliances, we can minimize electricity bills’ expenses by doing additional tasks. Let’s some effective ways of reducing the electric bill.

Smart Air purifier

Smart air purifiers have been made with some latest technology to avoid using overpowers. Eco-mode is one of the intelligent technologies. Eco-mode tunes of the fan motor automatically when there no need for purifying the air.

Shut the Windows

Shutting windows help to purify the air quality of any room quicker than open windows rooms. There are no chances to come to any further polluted air from outside. If you have a small room purifier, you should shut your room door too. It reduces the intensity of air purifier, and in a way, air purifier saves energy loss. Weatherizing the house helps minimize the amount of keep coming pollutants from outside.

Using App 

Already told you about the smart technologies of an air purifier. This is also a smart tech; you can see the room’s condition remotely from a smartphone app. You can also control the fan’s speed remotely and see the contamination percentage in your room through the app. You can do some function change to save energy.

Using Energy Star Rating Purifiers

I guess you have already known about energy star rating home appliances. These are the appliances that are efficient in their particular work as well as save your electric bills. Up to $25 in the electric bill can save if you use all the energy star rating appliances.

There are some specific rules for considering an air purifier as energy star rating purifiers. These considerations are directly connected with the air purifier’s specifications. Those are-

  • Ion generator long with fan filter.
  • Electrostatic plates

Producing At Least 50 CADR

The abbreviation of CADR is a Clean Air Delivery Rate. It determines the pollutant-free air, which is distributed directly from a room air purifier. 50 CADR for dust and 2.0 CADR/watt is the minimum requirement for being an energy start rating purifier.

Also Read : How to Choose an Air Purifier | The Complete Buying Guide


Does an Air Purifier Use a Lot of Electricity?

Nope, all most all air purifiers consume less energy than other electric home appliances. We have calculated the electric bill of an air purifier. It needs around $32 electric bill per year if you run the machine 12 hours a day. For 24 hours, the bill will raise near $64. But still, it seems way less than other electric appliances.

What is CADR?

The abbreviation of CADR is a Clean Air Delivery Rate. It determines the pollutant-free air which is distributed directly from a room air purifier.

Do air purifiers take a lot of electricity?

Air purifiers don’t consume a lot of electricity. Air purifiers use a fan or couple of fans for sucking the air from an indoor home. If the fan is larger, then the electricity uses will be larger. In another way, the purifier uses different rotational speeds. The more speed, the more electricity is needed.

Final verdict

The air purifier is indispensable for every family who has pets and children. Air quality has a vast effect on children’s growth and for their healthy life. Some may ask if there has any downside to running the air purifier 24/7. Don’t hesitate to run the air purifier for 24 hours and replace the filter regularly after 2-3 months. Otherwise, the cleaner will need to blow high air pressure through the filter and which more electricity. I guess you have got the idea about how much electricity does an air purifier use ultimately.

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