Can Air Purifier Really Help with Pet Allergies?

Can Air Purifier Really Help with Pet Allergies?

Having a pet means ways to have peace of mind. But many people have severe allergy problems from pet fur, hair and dust. It can cause you to have constant sneezing, itchy nose and in many cases, shortness of breath. 

So, what’s the way? Would you be deprived of the pleasure of keeping pets? No! not at all. You can use an air purifier for a great solution. But can air purifiers help with pet allergies? Yes definitely. 

It will be a precious solution to know, best air purifier for pet allergies and asthma. You will learn more about how a pet allergen works and which cleaner is best for pet allergens. So, let’s take a look.

Allergic reaction in the human body

First of all, let’s know the proper definition of an allergic reaction. It is a severe negative impact on the human immune system. When any larval protein enters your bloodstream, the immune system can detect it. And as soon as an allergic germ that is harmful to your body enters the body, the Immune system begins to resist it. 

 As a result, you may notice itching, rash, or swelling in the body. An allergic problem may create due to the genetic issue, food habit, and also from the adopted pet. 

How does pet animal allergies work?

In this discussion, I will tell you how largens spread from pets to the human body. It is good to know that each pet can spread allergens in different ways. Because pet has several substances in their daily activities, here are some ways in which a pet can cause allergies.

Pet dander:

The eternal truth is that pets can be the producer of dander. Good to know that dander is most dangerous to create pet allergies. Hence, there must have to store a lot of dust into the pet fur and coats, which can make you feel allergic reactions. 

Not only from fur, but pet allergy can also spread from their skin and flakes. So, notice first, if you are feeling allergy from dander. Then you have to understand, Animals have been exposed to subcutaneous protein allergies. 

In this regard, you should follow on a different issue. Animal flakes can float on the air or can store on the floor. Then you can make sure about the dander allergies. 

Pet hair:

Statistics show that pet hair is less responsible for human allergy. However, pet hair can increase the level of animal flakes and dander. While hair loss is not a problem, pet hair loss can cause other problems. For example, these can enter your stomach and cause stomach problems. 

Moreover, pet hair is skinny so that it can float in the air. As a result, they will stick to the clothes and the body. There is another critical issue with Pet Hair. Remember that pet hair can contain the urine and saliva from another animal of your home or outside.

Most importantly, these kinds of pet saliva and urine are very responsible for pet allergies.  You may be a wonder to know that there are some breeding dogs and cats that do not have fur on their bodies. 

As a result, they don’t produce allergens. It is why these breeds are known as a hypoallergenic animal to all. Many would love to adopt or buy a hypoallergenic cat or dog to prevent allergenic problems.  

Lately, hypoallergic cats breed are available for sale. But the tradition of hypoallergic dogs is less compare with cats. However, you can take a dog with curly hair. Because we know curly hair doesn’t fall easily. And curly hair can’t float in the air properly. 

Dust from pet bunnies:

Rabbits are very popular among pets. But the chances of getting pet allergy from RBI are much higher. Because these can fall saliva when eating. And we already know that pet saliva contains a lot of allergic proteins. Is that just so? Rabbits have a lot of fur falling problems and a tendency to get dander. However, this species is more likely to make dust, mold and so on inside the home.

Pet saliva and urine:

Although both pet hair and donations can cause allergies, the most common allergic attack can be from pet saliva and urine. Also, this type of things can spread allergens very quickly. For this reason, it is urgent to remove the saliva and urine.

Can air purifier help with pet allergies?

Do air purifiers help with allergies? yes, an air purifier can help correctly with pet allergies. However, sometimes, it depends on the filter technology. Likewise, it also depends on the amount of dust and dander having inside your home. Here are some of the most advanced filters that will be very effective for pet allergies. 

HEPA air filter:

HEPA air purifier comes with a unique design. So, it is designed with a powerful filter. It can 0.3-micrometer dust and particles from the air. Even, a HEPA filter can remove maximum air particles. Good to know that it can reduce up to 99.97% dust from your home. So, there will be the maximum pet dander, fur and dust. 

Moreover, HEPA air purifier is the most popular to remove all kinds of household dust accurately. Do note that it can catch and remove the larger particles like pet dander, fur or hair. However, it is less efficient for very tiny particles. 

You can use a HEPA filter for general pet allergens. But be aware of the tiniest dust. Although HEPA filter can grab the tiny dust, there can come back the dust. 

In the case of pet allergens, you need to remember about the pet numbers and amount of dust. If you have multiple specks of dust in the home and a lot of dander and fur, then you have to change the air filter often. 

Ionizers air purifier:

Ionizers are designed with an excellent electric charge producing power. This electric charge hits into the pet fur, hair and dander.  It can cause dust to fall on the floor or stick to nearby walls or clothing. So, it’s quite a mess to use. Another downside of ionizer purifier that it can produce the ozone gas. 

Carbon filter:

Carbon filters will keep you safe from polluted gases. The carbon filter is best air purifier for pet odors for removing the gas from the cooking fumes. Another advantage of a carbon filter is that it can remove odors from the air. You should know that excessive amounts of allergies are absorbed into the air from the pet odor.

PECO filter:

PECO filter is one kind of special filter. It can remove less than 0.1-micron size-tiny particles. Furthermore, the general air purifier is less useful to remove pet allergies. But PECO comes to solve this problem. This best air purifier for pet odors is designed with Photo Electrochemical Oxidation. As a result, it can perform best for pet allergies. 

The natural ways to reduce cat allergies

Are you in risk with your pet cat fur and hair? Then it is suggested to thought about the natural solution first. Take the following steps, keep allergies at bay and stay healthy as allergies can grow depending on the different pets. So, pet care may vary depending on several types of pets.

Limit the space:

Keep one or two rooms of the house safe from the cat. It means to create a barrier to prevent your pet cat coming inside the room. It will ensure complete safe space in your home. You can remain healthy better than the traditional home pet adopting system.

Remove the cat odors:

Do note that a cat may have a natural odor from their body. You don’t mean it as the pee or potty smell. I mean only the body smell. Generally, that smell can create some allergies. So, always remove the odor. There have a lot of options to reduce cat smell you will be found in the shop. 

Clean yourself:

It would help if you washed correctly after caressing your pet cat every time. As a result, the pet fur, hair and dander will remove correctly. 

If possible, clean with soap. If you are a severe sufferer of allergies, then keep away from the pet cat as much as possible. We know that cats love to go and sleep anywhere in the house, but all should be kept clean.

The natural ways to reduce dog allergies

When it comes to the dog pet, it will make it easier a lot because cleaning or removing dog allergens is easier comparatively cat allergies. Especially if you have a curly-haired dog, it is excellent. But keep in mind, a dog also produced allergens from their fur, dander and hair. 

Good to know that cat dander is generally is more extensive than cat dander. So, you can see it easily and clean at the right time. But lately, there have been found some hypoallergic pet dogs. So, you can take one for you. That is quite good to prevent allergies. However, you can follow the below rules for a familiar dog breed. 

Regular bathing:

Bath your dog regularly. Then the dander will not be produced in the dog’s hair. Besides, Moreover, if you take a bath according to the rules, the odor of the dog’s body will be removed. 


Regular grooming can keep healthy you and your pet dog. Grooming means to cut the dog hair from the full body with a fixed size. It has many benefits. First of all, that cat will feel free in the summer. Secondly, there have nor produce any allergens. So, you and the dog both will stay safe and healthy. 

The process to reduce bird allergies.

In the case of bird allergies, you can use an air purifier because birds can’t produce enormous allergies for the human body. Also, the bird’s fur and hair are comparatively less than cats and dogs. So, a HEPA or carbon filter is quite right to remove the bird’s allergies. 

Clean the space:

Birds can produce a lot of dust allergies because their eating system is different. Likewise, birds can fall saliva or fur. So, always clean the birdcage. As well as make sure to clean your hands and face. But HEPA filter can provide most trusted service for you home.


1. Can an Air Purifier remove pet Allergies?

Air purifiers is quite effective for pet allergies. However, someone have to go with some regulations. Then they can get an accurate results. For example, choose the purifier’s filter carefully because good quality filters are needed to remove pet allergens. Most importantly, he or she needs to change their air filter frequently if they are a pet owner.

2. What type of air purifier is best for reducing pet dander?

The HEPA filter is the ever-best filter to remove the pet dander from the house. Carbon filters can also be used, which are very good for removing the pet odor. Moreover, there has an excellent filter which can remove very tiny dust-like 0.1 microns. It is known as the PECO filter. 

3. How do you test for pet allergies?

You have to meet with an expert doctor or medical specialist to detect the pet allergies in your body. A doctor will taste the physical symptoms and previous medical history report. Additionally, most of the doctors suggest a blood test or skin test. All of these results will define your pet allergies. 

Final Words:

This complete guide discusses the role of air purifiers for pet allergies. You have already known the answer to “can air purifiers help with pet allergies”. The HEPA filter is best for pet allergies. Besides, carbon and PECO filter are superior or remove the pet allergies. Give feedback on what this guide looked like to you. And you can ask for any queries or suggestions. 

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